Wednesday, February 16, 2005
When I was 35, It was a very good year. It was a very good year For blue-blooded girls of independent means... We'd ride limousines. Their chauffeurs would drive.
When I was 35. -Lyrics of It Was a Very Good Year Although I'm not quite sure my wife would appreciate my driving around in limousines with blue-blooded girls of independent means. I don't know anyone who fits that description anyway, I suppose. It's my birthday again today and yes I am 35. I'm not as despondent as I was last year, but neither am I as upbeat as I was two years ago. But hey, at least it's not snowing like usual (but probably will be tomorrow), and my 35th year looks like it will be an interesting one, filled with lots of changes and friends both old and new. So, happy birthday to me.