Like my 40 before 40 list, I've put together a 50 before 50 list: 50 things I'd like to do before I turn 50. It's a 10-year project, so it's far more ambitious than 40 before 40, since these are for 10 years, not just for a single year. It's a little daunting, for sure. I moved some of my remaining items from 40 before 40 here, to make sure that I eventually get to them. Wish me luck.
- Go on a week-long backpacking trip.
- Make a really cool piece of interactive art.
- Play a movement of one of the Bach solo cello suites reasonably well.
- Set up a real retirement savings plan.
- Read Bleak House.
- Purchase a piece of real estate.
- Write another design book.
- Write a novel.
- Have a suit made for me.
- Attend an opera.
- Eat at The French Laundry.
- Perform a cello/violin duet with Fiona.
- Buy a new cello.
- Go to New Orleans.
Go to Rome.
- Go to Barcelona.
- Go to Africa.
- Go to South America.
- Go to India.
- Go to the South Pacific.
- Go to Bhutan.
- Go to a state I've never been to (I have 10 to choose from).
- Hire my 20th employee.
- Spend a day in a pub doing nothing but reading, talking, drinking.
- Prepare an amazing dinner for friends.
- Do an extended stay in another country.
- Win a design award.
- Donate a large sum to charity.
- Go whitewater rafting.
- Launch a consumer electronics product.
- Launch a Kicker-branded product.
- Learn a new skill.
- Do a road trip.
- Drink a bottle of very expensive wine.
- Have a romantic meal in Paris with Rachael.
- Buy an antique piece of furniture.
- Take a martial arts class.
- Speak at a non-design conference.
- Design a truly useful product.
- Buy an antique device.
- Teach a class.
- Reread the Patrick O'Brien Aubrey/Maturin series.
- Mentor a designer.
- Meet one of my heroes.
- Write a personal essay.
- Give a talk on something that isn't design.
- Rent a vacation house for a week and have friends stay over.
- Read The Baroque Cycle.
- Become debt free.
- Do something amazingly generous and unasked-for for someone I don't know.
Originally posted on Sunday, March 28, 2010 | Link | Comments (1)
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