Saturday, June 14, 2003
Moving This next week, I'll be moving between Glen Ridge and Pittsburgh, with stops in Baltimore. My left eye is nervously twitching at the amount of stress all this is causing. CMU, this had better be worth it! :) I'm headed to Pittsburgh without even knowing what my financial aid package is or when and how I'm paying for my summer session. More details to work out. Until next week...
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Thursday, June 12, 2003
Details, Details This post isn't so much about school as it is about preparing for school: uprooting your life for two years, quitting your job, selling your house and a car, saying goodbye to friends, and dealing with all the details you take for granted once they are set up. Insurance, phone lines, DSL, gas and electric, picking up the keys to your new place (on top of finding a new place, which is another HUGE hassle), cable, cleaning out your old place. These last two weeks for Rachael and me have been one long checklist of To Do items that slowly, ever so slowly, get crossed off. Everything has to be done soon, since the movers will be here on Monday to pack up the house. Yikes.
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Monday, June 9, 2003
RSS Feed Change Voidstar abruptly discontinued their free service, so I've had to switch RSS feeds. Here's the new feed:
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