Tuesday, September 2, 2003


Reading this article on adults who don't want to grow up has me wondering whether I'm a borderline kidult. The evidence? My car.

[T]he average age of Element drivers, [Andy Boyd, a spokesman for the American Honda Motor Company] said, is 40. "That's exactly what we anticipated," he said. "It's a new definition of the family buyer ò someone who doesn't want to give up their individual character even though they're getting older."

Now, I don't wear Sesame Street t-shirts or collect Care Bears, but I do appreciate the value of play. It's how you keep things flexible. A lot of design is about playing with stuff.

"[A]dulthood has lost its appeal," said Frank Furendi, a professor of sociology at the University of Kent at Canterbury in England. "Adulthood has got nothing attractive about it anymore."

Well, duh.

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