My SXSW 2007 presentation (6mb pdf). People seemed to like it. Sam Felder’s transcription of the talk. Here’s the Podcast.
Update: My talk was reviewed by The Guardian.
My SXSW 2007 presentation (6mb pdf). People seemed to like it. Sam Felder’s transcription of the talk. Here’s the Podcast.
Update: My talk was reviewed by The Guardian.
i liked your panel for the most part. i was just confused by the conclusion of embracing irony. it seems to go against your initial thought (or perhaps your whole concept in general?) about witholding judgement.
i always think of liking something ironically as condescending… that or just a cop-out. ie. if you like take a stand and someone agrees you can stick by it, if not you can say you only like it ironically.
SXSW Day Two – Learning (Web Design) From Las Vegas
Dan Saffer (Adaptive Path, No Ideas But in Things) presented Sunday afternoon under the title “Learning Interaction Design From Las Vegas.”
The slides are available from his blog.
As a big fan of Venturi, Brown, and Izenour’s Learnin…
Hi Dan,
Thanks for sharing these very interesting and thought-provoking slides. I’d have liked to attend the session to debate some of the points you made. I’ll have to content myself with a trip to
‘The Vegas of the North’ and a comment here instead.
You’re spot on highlighting the perception of snobbery in design and the fit with the audience, but then you spoil it all with this value judgement in the notes:
‘You can’t talk about Vegas without talking about class…. This kind of class. All you can eat buffets for overweight schlubs.’
I don’t know whether this is you or an unattributed Venturi quote, but either way it explodes the argument.
Personally, I fall into the design-as-life-enhancing rather than design-as-life-enabling camp (as I’m sure do many designers, including yourself)
‘We’re injecting the world with our values: what we think is useful, usable, pleasurable, and good. And that’s not a bad job to have.’
and here it gets difficult. Is it snobbish to want to make people’s lives better? To assume that our way is the best way? Is this where we feel the value of research and evaluation most, to ground our designs and let us experience other people’s lives?
Enjoyed your presenation @ SXSW – Great stuff…