When ABC anchorman Peter Jennings died this past weekend, a ridiculous amount of obituaries and tributes (New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, AP, CBS News, and a host of others) all used one word to describe him: urbane. Despite the obvious plagiarizing, it’s a good word, and one that aptly described my favorite news anchor. What cool word would you like to see in your obituary? Mine’s erudite.
hmmm, i think mine would be “driven”.
“true” or “undisillusioned” would both be fine, thanks. In a serif font. 🙂 “witty, but nice” will also do. Or maybe “decisive”. or…
ummm… “ridiculous” is hardly a word I would assign to a large amount of obits and tributes for a great anchor. More respect for someone that has massively shaped our thoughts and opinions of the world as we know it.
I wasn’t saying the number of obituaries was ridiculous, I was saying that the number of them that used the same word to describe Jennings was incredible.