These days, it seems like you could spend all your time and money attending one conference after another. Within the next couple of months, there’s like a bazillion conferences I want to attend, not to mention the ones I missed in the fall that I would have loved to have gone to, like Design Engaged. None of them is perfect, but all of them have at least a few sessions I’m very interested in. I’m just going to list them in case perhaps you will be lucky enough to attend some of them in my stead.
- IA Summit, March 3-7
- South by Southwest Interactive, March 11-15
- O’Reilly’s Emerging Technology Conference, March 14-17
- Doors of Perception, March 21-26
- CHI, April 2-7
This is not to mention stuff like SIGGRAPH, Designing User Experience, the IxDG Summit, and probably a host of others coming down the pike in summer and fall. It’s simply impossible to attend them all unless you have unlimited free time and cash.